November 15, 2021
Development of the smartphone app “VR-MD” that allows students to learn chemistry by interacting with molecules in a VR space.
Kenroh Matsuda, who is temporarily assigned to Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc. (TCRDL) from Frontier Research Center, Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota), has developed the prototype of the learning application “VR-MD” together with members from the University of Tokyo and TCRDL. The “VR-MD” utilizes a molecular simulator based on Molecular Dynamics Calculations, and was developed to allow students to learn chemistry while having fun by directly interacting with molecules in a VR space by touching and seeing. For more details on the development, please click here (Japanese only). For a tutorial on how to use the “VR-MD”, see here.
Kenroh Matsuda
Joined Toyota in 2016, he majored in Computer Science in graduate school. At Toyota, he researched automotive batteries and new materials by utilizing Machine Learning. Currently, he is temporarily assigned to TCRDL, and is deepening his research in this field that he has cultivated so far by integrating VR Technology.